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Mesaje : 20
Data de înscriere : 02/11/2011

regulamentul-taxi Empty
MesajSubiect: regulamentul-taxi   regulamentul-taxi I_icon_minitimeMier Noi 02, 2011 6:50 am

1. Pe chatul factiunii trebuie sa folositi un limbaj decent. Nu este permis comertul, certurile sau spamul pe /f.
2. Alegeti cea mai rapida ruta, nu ocoliti clientul. Vrem sa avem clienti multumiti.
3. Nu va certati intre voi. Totul se rezolva de fata cu Liderul sau cu sub-liderul. Este interzis sa ii faceti plangere unui coleg pe forum.
4. Ascultati de membrii cu rank mai mare decat voi in special Liderul si sub-liderul!
5. Nu faceti DM/DB! Nu suntem mafie. Riscati demitere.
6. Daca cineva va omoara / va ataca fara motiv, faceti poza(F8) si ii faceti plangere la factiunea lui sau "Complaints"(dupa caz) si Pinklist Paterno.
7.Fare este:
50$ ziua intre orele: 8:00 - 19:00.
100$ noaptea intre orele: 19:00 - 8:00.
Daca puneti alt /fare veti fi sancionati.
8. Nu aveti voie sa vorbiti la telefon sau sa dati mesaje daca ati acceptat un client. Daca e ceva urgent intrebati clientul daca va da voie.
9. Nu aveti voie sa puneti /fare unui coleg.
10. The Paterno Family este familia care ne protejeaza, iar noi avem obligatia de a-i transporta gratuit!
11. Cine este inactiv mai mult de trei zile fara sa anunte la sectiunea Inactivitate va fi automat demis.
12. Dupa ce folositi un Taxi puneti-i benzina, distrugeti-l sau aduceti-l la HQ! Nu rataciti taxiurile, daca luati crash sunteti obligati sa tineti minte unde ati lasat masina si sa va duceti sa o luati! Cine nu respecta regula asta risca: rankdown, factionwarn.
13. Sedinta este anuntata de lider cu 2 zile inainte. Daca nu puteti sa veniti, postati in topicul "Invoiri sedinte". Daca lipsiti de la sedinta fara sa postati nu veti primi salariul.
14. La sedinta este interzis sa vorbiti neintrebat (daca vreti sa adaugati, intrebati ceva folositi /wave si asteptati sa vi se dea acordul sa vorbiti). Doar cateva animuri pot fi folosite, de exemplu: /crossarms, /dealstance.
15.Comenzile(clientii) sunt obligatorii. Pentru mai multe informatii verificati topicul "Activitate".
16. Cand sunt comenzi multe si sunt putini membrii online, sunteti obligati sa lucrati toti!
17. Intre orele 16:00 - 17:30 si 19:00 - 20:30 sunteti obligati doar sa luati comenzi!
18. Nu aveti voie sa acceptati o comanda in mai putin de trei secunde.
19. Cine ramane fara licenta de condus, plateste $50.000 amenda. Primeste un FactionWarn daca nu are permis si nu a platit amenda. Daca dovediti ca vi s-a luat carnetul aiurea, primiti suma inapoi. (se plateste Leader-ului / Sub-Leader-ului)
20. Nu aveti voie sa stati AFK(Away from keyboard) in masinile factiunii. Daca aveti o urgenta coborati din masina.
21. Joburi INTERZISE : Farmer, Trucker, Garbage Man, Arms Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Car Jacker si Whore.
22. Nu aveti voie sa folositi bind deloc.
23. Aveti voie sa participati la event-uri doar cu acordul liderului / subliderului, sau rank mai mare online. Daca e event organizat de admini nu trebuia sa va cereti voie. De asemenea, nu aveti voie sa organizati event-uri violente (event deagle, pumni si picioare, etc.).
24. Aveti voie sa folositi deagle pentru aparare incepand cu Rank 2.
25. Culoarea taxiurilor poate fi doar galben sau mov (culoarea factiunii care ne protejeaza). De asemenea, nu aveti voie cu nos si/sau hydraulics pe taxi.
26. Este interzis sa cereti bacsis unui client. Daca ati primit bacsis este interzis sa vorbesti pe /f despre asta.
27. Nu aveti voie sa jefuiti banca in timpul zilei.
Aveti voie doar in intervalul: 23:00 - 8:00.
Deoarece au alte atributii si nu sunt obligati sa preia comenzi, rank 6 pot da rob ziua.

28. Este interzis sa jucati "barbut" sau sa faceti dueluri pe bani.
29. Este interzis sa ajuti un Arms Dealer sa faca materiale.
30. Este interzis sa postati in topicul "Raporteaza un membru Taxi", daca ti s-a facut plangere ii dai PM liderului cu varianta ta.
31. Este interzis sa detineti droguri.
32. Un taximetrist are dreptul sa dea afara un client din masina (/eject) daca acesta il insulta sau acuza sub orice forma.
33. Un taximetrist are dreptul sa dea afara un client din masina (/eject) daca acesta doreste sa fie "plimbat" refuzand sa specifice o locatie exacta cand sunt alte comenzi de indeplinit.

Taxi Cab Company - General rules

1. On /f chat you must have a clean language. It is not allowed to trade, arguing or spamming on /f.
2. Choose the fastest route. We want to have satisfied customers.
3. Do not argue with a Taxi member. Everything can be solved in front of the sub-leader or leader. It is forbidden to make complaint to a Taxi member on the forum.
4. Respect all members, especially Leader and Sub-leader.
5. Do not DM / DB ! We are not mafia.
6. If someone kills / will attack you without reason, you do a picture (F8) and make a complaint to his faction or "Complaints" and Pinklist Paterno
7.Fare is:
$50 the day between the hours: 8:00 - 19:00
$100 night between the hours: 19:00 to 8:00.

If you put another /fare intentionally you will receive FactionWarn.
8. If you accepted a client you can't use your phone. If it is something important and you must use your phone, ask the client to let you do that.
9. You are not allowed to put /fare to a Taxi members.
10. The Paterno Family is the family that protects us, and we must transport them for free!
11. If you don't enter on the server for more than three days without posting in topic "Inactivitate" (Inactivity) you'll be kicked from Taxi Cab Company.
12. After using a Taxi refuel it and destroy it or bring him to HQ! Don't lose the taxi cars, if your game crashes, remember where you left the car and go and Destroy it!
13. The meeting is anounced two days before it. If you can't come, post on the topic "Invoiri sedinte". If you missed the meeting you will not get salary and receive a Faction Warn. If absent from three consecutive meetings you'll be kicked from Taxi Cab Company.
14. It is not allowed to talk on meeting without permission, if you want to say something use /wave and wait for permission. You can use standing anims on meeting like /crossarms or /dealstance.
15. Commands(clients) are required. For more information check the topic "Activitate".
16. When are many clients who need a Taxi, all you have to do is work.
17. Between the hours of16:00 to 17:30 and 19:00 to 20:30 You are only permitted to work!
18. You may not accept an client in less than three seconds.
19. If you lose driving license you have to pay $50.000 fine to Leader. If you don't pay the fine, you'll receive faction warn
20. You may not stay AFK(Away from keyboard) on faction cars. If you realy have to stay AFK you leave the car.
21. This jobs ar not allowed: Farmer, Trucker, Garbage Man, Arms Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Car Jacker, Whore.
22. You may not use bind.
23. You are allowed to participate on events only if you ask the leader/co-leader or higher rank online or if the event is organized by an admin. Also, you are not allowed to organize violent events.
24. You can use only deagle and only if you have Rank 2 or higher.
25. The Taxis color can be yellow or pink (Paterno color). Also, you can't use nos or hydraulics on taxi cars.
26. It isn't allowed to request tips from your clients, if you received tips don't talk about it on /f.
27. You may not rob the bank during the day. You are allowed only in the range: 23:00 to 8:00
28. It is not allowed to play "barbut" or to do duels for money
29. It is not allowed to help an Arms Dealer to get or deliver materials.
30. It is not allowed to post on topic "Report a Taxi member". If you have something to say PM the leader.
31. It is not allowed to have drugs.
32. A taxi driver has the right to eject a customer from the car (/eject) if the customer insults or accuses him in any form.
33. A taxi driver has the right to eject a customer from the car (/eject) if the customer wants a ride refusing to specify an exact location when there are other taxi calls active.

This post has been edited by Mastertrap21: 22 August 2011 - 01:32 AM


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